Beauty of democracy


DEPARTURE of David Cameron from 10 Downing Street in London and emergence of Theresa May as new Prime Minister of Britain were focal points in world media on Wednesday and Thursday. Now Theresa May has to meet the challenge of leading the country to bring out of the European Union. Cameron was leader of the Conservative Party for 11 years and after six years as Prime Minister he did not hesitate to step down as his politics was not accepted on EU issue by majority of British voters. What catches the attention of the global audience is that there was no chaos and shouts but smiles and praise that dominated the change of vanguard in contrast to bloody fights at many other nations where democracy is non-functional. Theresa May has been chosen as the Conservative Party leader and she is the second woman PM of the UK. After Andrea Leadsom quit the Conservative Party leadership contest on Monday. There was none to challenge May to become Prime Minister. She said just after being in power, “we will rise to the challenge”. She said Brexit is Brexit, Britain will leave European Union and will forge a bold new positive role for British people in the world. She will make Britain a country that works not for a privileged few, but everyone. She spoke of the ‘precious bond’ between the nations of the United Kingdom, implicit recognition of the tensions generated by the referendum in which England and Wales chose to quit the EU, but Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to stay.Conservative Party won the general election in 2015 under the leadership of David Cameron. But he handed over the leadership after Britons rejected his proposal in a referendum to stay in the EU. His party is still in power, but he decided to step down because he said he could not be the right person to implement Brexit policy what he did not believe. This is principle and here the greed for power and politics failed to deceive values and ideals. But Cameron said he is leaving but the country to be much stronger under the leadership of new PM who is strong, wise and far-sighted. The new PM also praised the statesmanship of her predecessor saying his legacy will be her own legacy in steering the nation. With such remarks each one glorified the other showing the beauty of democracy. The transition worked clock-wise which is totally missing in many other countries. We must learn from it to be a worthy nation. We wish the new Prime Minister every success to make Britain strong and internationally more effective in shaping a safe world. But the task ahead is far from easy. It is possible that she will need to hold an early fresh election. The policy of Brexit means Brexit will not be easy to implement when 48 percent of the people are for staying with European Union.
