Beauty and the bride

Life Desk :
A professional artist will take care of the bridal make-up, but a bride-to-be should always have the a few personal essentials as her beauty bag arsenal
Invest in skin care: If you buy quality skin care products and stick to a regimen, you won’t need to powder up too much. A sunscreen, day cream, repair night cream and moisturiser are good investments to ensure that you get luminous skin. Skin care products enriched with vitamin C are great for your skin, as the antioxidants in it protect the skin from damaging free radicals and the harsh effects of ultraviolet rays. The topical application of vitamin C helps soften the appearance of wrinkles too. And if the hectic planning is giving you sleepless nights, keep an under eye gel handy – it will address the puffiness!
Flawless base: Many make-up experts agree that picking the right foundation is where brides go wrong. They tend to look overly fair to the point of being chalky. It’s essential to get a shade closest to your skin tone and then blend it well to get a sheer, natural base. To find the right shade, try a bit of it on the tip of your chin or on your forehead. Opt for a long-wear foundation that will stay put for hours and wouldn’t require you to go for frequent touch ups. If you have clear skin, even a tinted moisturiser or BB cream can be used to give cover age. Blend it on your decol letage as well, and powder it in place so that you don’t end up with make-up stains on your trousseau.
To make your features look sharper, contour your cheekbones. Use a light colour on the apple of your cheeks, and blend it with a darker shade below to give your face an oval look. To add colour to your face, choose a peach blush.
Check the kind of blush -cream or powder -that suits your skin type and lasts longer, because blush tends to wear off quickly.
Seal it in: A compact pow der will help set the make-up in place, and prevent your skin from looking too shiny. Being on your feet for several hours at a stretch can make your skin look dull and tired.A face mist provides instant hydration in just a few sprays without letting the make-up bleed. It will also give you a dewy look.
Eye love: A jewel-tone eyeliner can give your eyes an added glint. Inspired by runways across the world, jewel tones of blue, purple, green, bronze and copper have found their way into make-up as well.Apply a striking midnight blue, emerald green or amethyst purple eyeliner to add definition to your eyes and accentuate their shape. If false eyelashes are not your thing, go for a waterproof version of a volumising mascara.
Body beautiful: Your face may look luminous, but what if your arms and legs look dull? A good body lotion or butter will provide intense hydration to your skin. Full of nutrients, it will form a protective barrier against external impurities. Don’t ignore your elbows, knees and heels, as they tend to be the driest.
Happy feet: Being on your feet and running errands can take a toll on them. Use a foot scrub to gently exfoliate the skin and remove dead cells and dirt.They usually contain exfoliating agents like epsom salt, oatmeal, sea salts or brown sugar.