Beat the heat! Quench your thirst with these cool summer drinks

Want to beat the heat this summer? Refresh and replenish your body with these recipes of cool beverages. Here are a few summer drinks that you should try this season with friends and family

Weekend Plus Desk
As the temperature soars high, the feeling of fatigue, tiredness and dehydration creeps in. Summers take a toll on the health, and to balance it out, what’s better than a chilled lemonade or a healthy fruit juice?
Cool beverages not only help you stay hydrated but also give dietary benefits. While water is the most important drink to quench thirst, there are many other healthy and tasty beverages that you can include in your diet and easily kick off all the unhealthy packaged and aerated drinks.
So, if you’re wondering how to beat the heat, refresh and replenish your body with these cool beverages. Here are a few summer drinks from Del Monte that you should try this season.
 Peach Froze
300g – Peach (chopped)
250ml – Dry rose wine
100ml – Sugar syrup
5ml – Dry vermouth
* Freeze peach halves, dry rose wine and sugar syrup overnight. Add the frozen ingredients along with dry vermouth into a container.
* Blend until it becomes smooth. Do not add any ice cubes or water as it will take away the texture and flavour of the drink.
* Serve the drink immediately with a slice of peach and mint leaves on top.
Pineapple Ginger Lemonade
850g – Pineapple (chopped)
2 pieces – Lemon (juice)
1 inch – Ginger (grated)
¼ cup – Mint leaves
4 cups – Water
Ice cubes as needed
* Add pineapple pieces along with the syrup, mint leaves, ginger, and lemon juice into a blender.
* Blend it well for 30-40 seconds. Add sugar, if needed.
* Transfer the blended pineapple lemon mixture into a pitcher.
* Add water and mix it well.
* Take serving glasses and put ice cubes into it. Pour the drink and serve.
Peach and Coconut Coolers
500g – Peaches (drained)
1/2 cup – Granulated sugar
1/4 cup – Water
1 cup – Coconut water
1/2 cup – Soda
* In a saucepan set over medium heat, cook peaches and sugar and water until the peaches begin to break down. Once the peaches are completely broken down, let the mixture cool down.
* Transfer the peach mixture to a large container or jug. Top with coconut water and soda.
* Serve with ice cubes.
So, which drink would you like to try this summer? Tell us in the comments below. n