Beat jet lag with these healthy food options

Jet lag is basically a disorder that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zone and happens especially if you travel in an easterly direction

Weekend Plus Desk :
No matter how cool and exciting traveling to far off places looks like on social media, you can’t avoid the baggage it brings with it – horrible jetlags that make you drowsy, tired, and heavy headed. Jet lag is basically a disorder that can affect anyone who quickly travels across multiple time zone and happens especially if you travel in an easterly direction.
It usually takes about a day or so to recover for each time zone crossed.
Some try out a few tricks to beat it – like staying awake to adapt themselves to the local time, chugging cups of coffee or popping in vitamins, but all in vain.
But worry not for we have got you covered – here are some foods that will help you avoid a jetlag.
Plant-based food
Apart from fatigue, gastrointestinal distress is one of the most frequent problems seen in people who have recently changed their time zone. Eating plant-based foods before the trip is recommended by experts. Leafy vegetables relax the digestive troubles whereas low-fiber, carb-heavy meals tend to stress out the digestive system.
Healthy Fats
While delicious food during and before the travel is rather tempting, these comfort foods are not going to help your body to adjust to the new environment. Keeping your food simple and basic with proper fats and veggies is always a good choice to go for.
Trail mix
Travel can get pretty stressful at times. So it’s quite expected that one would indulge in their favourite foods to address their hunger pangs – thanks to the all the ever-available fast food joints at the airport. But what’s bad news is – it won’t help in the long run. It is recommended to carry foods like grain crackers, hummus, trail mix or a protein bar to bite on until the next meal.
Goodness of citrus
The goodness of lemon and orange can be helpful to fight the fatigue and tiredness in people. The freshness of citrus helps to fight stomach sickness as well.