BD’s tourism industry lost $2b in 2021


Business Desk :

The tourism sector lost about $2.03 billion last year, impacting 420,000 workers of the industry, according to a report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
Titled “Sustainable Tourism After Covid-19Insights and Recommendations for Asia and the Pacific,” the report was published on January 13.
Covid-19 had disrupted virtually all aspects of tourism and reduced international travel by 74% in 2020 and produced cascading effects on businesses, governments, and communities alike, said the report.
However, the pandemic presents a unique opportunity for tourism stakeholders to step back and evaluate the sector and how it can contribute more effectively to sustainable development, the report added.
The report also suggested developing five thematic areas that have proven instrumental in supporting the contribution of tourism to achieving SDGs.
Governance, policy reformation, infrastructure and technology development, improving research and data analyzing capabilities, and ensuring academic and training skills to minimize the persistent skill shortages in the sector.
