BD’s steps for peaceful use of nuclear energy lauded


Visiting Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano on Tuesday lauded Bangladesh’s initiatives for peaceful use of nuclear energy and gave assurances of IAEA’s continued support for the Rooppur nuclear power project.
“The IAEA would consider Bangladesh a priority country and continue to provide it with necessary technical and advisory supports in implementation of the Rooppur nuclear power project,” he said as he met Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali at the latter’s office here.
Referring to his on-sight visit to Rooppur power plant yesterday, Amano expressed satisfaction at the safety measures and other facilities at the plant.
“Bangladesh is in the right direction as far as the IAEA safeguards for nuclear power plant are concerned,” he mentioned.
During the meeting, Foreign Minister Ali appraised Amano of Bangladesh’s steady economic development and growing demand for energy and power, according to a foreign ministry statement issued here. He informed the DG that in line with Bangladesh’s strict adherence to international regime on nuclear energy, the government has recently accepted the Amendment to the Convention on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials (CPPNM).
In this connection, the Foreign Minister handed over a copy of the Instrument of Acceptance to the DG of IAEA.
Accepting the instrument, Amano expressed satisfaction over Bangladesh’s action and said that this testifies the sincerity and commitment of Bangladesh towards nuclear safety.
Director General Amano also lauded Bangladesh, particularly the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, for her strong political commitment towards nuclear disarmament and peaceful use of nuclear energy and for garnering wide public acceptance to the nuclear power project.
He advised that the nuclear regularity authority in Bangladesh should be strengthened and pledged to send regular inspection teams to the Rooppur power plant.
Director General of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano arrived here Sunday night on a four-day official visit to Bangladesh for the second time as the IAEA Director General. He leaves Dhaka today.
