BD’s policy towards UK after Brexit should be pragmatic


AT present, the hottest topic in the world’s politics – particularly in European Union – is undoubtedly Brexit. The United Kingdom finally left the European Union on February 1 after three and a half years of political turmoil. It was an end to almost half a century of Britain’s membership of the EU. A highly confident British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said the UK must become a champion of global free trade and it would seek a Canada-style free trade agreement with the EU. Terming Brexit a new dawn, in his latest speech Mr Johnson further said that from “Brussels to China to Washington tariffs were being waved around like cudgels and it was time for the UK to transform into a “superhero champion” of free trade with other countries. Asking the “America bashers” to “grow up and get a grip”, the British PM urged them to realise the potential of UK-US trade.
There may be a question — why was Brexit so important for Britain? On the first look — it’s simply superiority complex and local British politics. For a long time, there was an anti-EU virus in British politics and diplomacy. After Brexit, the UK won’t have to blame anyone for its fate – although no doubt some will continue to heap blame on the EU for not allowing it a free hand in trade deals. But there was no doubt that a huge economic downside was the prime reason to leave the EU — the sterling rate was falling gradually and firms showed a rush to relocate outside of Britain. The economic situation certainly created political repercussions – in Conservatives and Liberals both — that ended in a break-up with the EU.
Whatever there may be in the EU, in our view Britain is an important trade partner of Bangladesh — it’s our third largest export destination. Besides, it keeps politically and diplomatically close links with us, such as supporting us on the Rohingya issue. So, Dhaka needs to take preparation from now to adjust to the new circumstances and maintain continuity in its relations with the UK – which is our trusted and tested friend.
