BD virus patient returns home after recovery : IEDCR

Staff Reporter :
One of the first three coronavirus patients in Bangladesh has returned home after complete recovery, said the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR).
The second one who recovered is waiting as his family members are self-isolating, said Dr. Professor Meerjady Sabrina Flora, the Director of the IEDCR while briefing the reporters on Friday in her office in Mohakhali in the capital.
On March 8, Bangladesh declared its first case of the novel coronavirus infection
confronting two men and a woman.
Among them, two had recently gone home after arrivals from Italy while the other one needs time.
The patients were subjected to another round of test, said Dr. Sabrina Flora.
The third patient is yet to be recovered, as the patient is still believed to have been carrying the virus.
 “Although eight suspected coronavirus patients are kept in hospitals quarantine, no new cases of the novel coronavirus infection have been detected,” said the IEDCR Director.
The virus was also detected in five Bangladeshi migrants in Singapore, two in the United Arab Emirates and two in Italy.
Among the expatriates diagnosed in Singapore, four have fully recovered from the infection and returned home, according to the IEDCR.
But one of them is still in critical condition.
The others are under medical treatment in Italy and UAE.