BD urges US to grant DFQF market access to LDCs

BSS, Dhaka :
Bangladesh on Wednesday called upon the United States for granting Duty Free Quota Free (DFQF) market access to U.S. for all the Least Developed Countries (LDCs).
“If the USA provides the facilities to Bangladesh, then Bangladesh will
be able to export more to the USA, which would ensure more empowerment of women and containment of extremism in Bangladesh, said Bangladesh Ambassador to the USA Mohammad Ziauddin.
He made the observations when he met with US Republican Congressman from Washington State and also the Chairman of the House Ways & Means Sub-Committee on Trade Dave Reichert in Washington D.C, according to a message received here.
During the meeting, Ambassador Ziauddin apprised the Congressman of the sense of discrimination that prevails among fourteen LDCs for not getting DFQF market access to the USA.
Currently 34 LDCs out of 48 are benefitting from U.S. DFQF scheme under AGOA (African Growth and Opportunity Act).
The Ambassador further informed the Congressman that all the 48 LDCs get DFQF facility from the European Union. Therefore, he said it is a matter of justice and fairness that the U.S. – which is champion of human rights and rule of law – should provide equal treatment to all.
The Bangladesh envoy also highlighted development activities in Bangladesh in various sectors including Education, Women Empowerment and Counter-Terrorism.