BD Unnayan Gobeshona Protishthan Act-2015 gets cabinet nod


The cabinet on Monday approved the draft of Bangladesh Unnayan Gobeshona Protishtan Act-2015 to expedite the activities of the organization in the field of research on development issues.
The approval was given in the regular meeting of the cabinet held at Bangladesh Secretariat with Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in the chair.
Briefing reporters after the meeting, cabinet secretary M Musharraf Hossain Bhuiyan said the cabinet has given final nod to the draft subject to the vetting of the law ministry.
“It’s basically an updated Bangla version of the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) Act-1974” he said, adding all previous amendments and ordinances were incorporated in the new law.
The cabinet secretary said the law has been made into Bangla in light of the verdict of the Supreme Court nullifying all laws and ordinances passed during the regimes of two military rulers from 1975 to 1990.
The Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS) is an autonomous public multi-disciplinary organization which conducts policy oriented research on development issues facing Bangladesh and other developing countries.
The cabinet was also apprised on the participation of the Commerce Minister in the meeting of the Economic and Commercial Cooperation of the Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (COMCEC) at Istanbul from November 25 to 28, 2014 and at a forum titled “Global Garments Industry after Rana Plaza: The Way Forward” in Melbourne, Australia from November 17 to 22, 2014.
Besides, another report on the participation of Bangladesh delegation led by the Planning Minister at Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) in Asia and Pacific in Bangkok from November 24 to 28, 2014 was also placed before the cabinet.
