BD, UK working jointly to tackle terrorism: Blake


United Kingdom High Commissioner to Bangladesh Alison Blake on Sunday said the strong, friendly, multi-faceted and historic relationship between Bangladesh and the United Kingdom helps both the countries work together against global terrorism and extremism. “We are Commonwealth members and share a common set of values. We are working together to tackle the threat to security and remove the curse of global terrorism and extremism,” Blake said.
The British High Commissioner was addressing the closing ceremony of a three-day photography exhibition titled ‘Project London 1971: Unsung Heroes of Bangladesh’s Liberation War’, held at Shilpakala Academy.
She said, as a native Londoner, and as a child in 1971, this exhibition has a particular resonance for her.
“Yet these photos point to something at the very heart of our relationship. They show that Britain, and particularly but not just London, provides a home where the Bangladeshi national spirit flourishes,” Blake said.
She noted that expatriate Bangladeshis in the UK had played an important role in driving the movement that led to the independence of Bangladesh. “And this spirit, passion, and pride in being Bangladeshi, continues to flourish today,” she observed.
Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s first destination after his freedom from Pakistan jail was London.
The British diplomat said the photographs in this exhibition stand as testimony to the support the people of Britain for the independence of Bangladesh.
Former UN representative to Bangladesh Dr AK Abdul Momen was also present on the occasion.
