BD to put emphasis on strengthening regional coop ensuing SAARC Summit

BSS, Dhaka :
Bangladesh will put especial emphasis on issues like youth development, poverty alleviation, connectivity, education, food security, regional trade and counter terrorism in the upcoming SAARC Summit set to be held in Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal on November 26-27.
Apart from highlighting those issues, Bangladesh will also focus on timely implementation of the decisions taken in the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) summit aimed at making the grouping as an organization of the common masses in the region, said Foreign Minster AH Mahmud Ali here today.
“We want that SAARC would play its due role for development of mass people…We think that it would be possible to make SAARC an organization of the commoners through timely implementation of SAARC decisions,” he added.
Briefing newsmen at the foreign ministry, Ali said this year’s SAARC Summit is especially crucial for Bangladesh as the heads of state and government attending the summit are expected to discuss different aspects of regional cooperation for raising the living standard of their people and establishing peace and security in the region.
The theme of this year’s SAARC is- “Deeper Integration for Peace and Prosperity”.
The foreign minister said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will lead a 37-member delegation to the summit where she will hold meetings with leaders of the SAARC on the sidelines of the summit.
Elaborating Bangladesh’s participation, he said Bangladesh will also attach especial importance on strengthening regional cooperation on SAFTA and service sector, climate change, science and technology and women empowerment in the upcoming summit of the eight nations grouping.
Besides, he said that three agreements are expected to be signed at the summit. They are- SAARC Motor Vehicles Agreement for the Regulation of Passengers and Cargo Vehicular Traffic amongst SAARC Member States, SAARC Regional Railway Agreement and SAARC Framework Agreement for Energy Cooperation (Electricity).
“With the signing of these agreements, connectivity and cooperation in the power sector would increase which would help expand trade relations among the member states,” he said.
The foreign minister said prior to the summit, Programming Committee meeting (Director General level of SAARC and BIMSTEC), foreign secretary level Standing Committee and foreign ministers level Council of Ministers meetings would be held on November 22 and 23-24 and 25 respectively.
The foreign minister will lead the council of ministers meeting while the foreign secretary to lead standing committee meeting.
State minister for Foreign Affairs Md. Shahriar Alam, Foreign Secretary Md. Shahidul Haque and Secretary (bilateral) Mustafa Kamal, among others, were present at the briefing.