‘BD to become middle-income country by 2021’

BSS, Dhaka :
Speakers at a discussion meeting in the city on Friday said Bangladesh would become a middle-income country by 2021, if the pro-liberation forces led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina remain in power. Bangabandhu Sangskritik Jote organized the discussion meeting at Shilpakala Academy auditorium.
Presided over by Jote President Syed Hasan Imam, the meeting was addressed by former State Minister Advocate Shamsul Haq Tuku, Jote Vice-President Mobarak Ali Shikder and General Secretary Arun Sarkar Rana, among others. The speakers said the country witnessed huge poverty eradication and extensive development in the health, education and agriculture sectors under the leadership of Sheikh Hasina.
Once a bottomless basket, Bangladesh is now fast progressing to be a middle-income country, they added.
Shamsul Haq Tuku said the leadership of Sheikh Hasina has been appreciated in the world.
Bangladesh could make more progress, if the BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami did not resort to destructive politics, he added.