BD to become developed country by 2041: Eng Mosharraf


Economic Reporter :
Housing and Public Works Minister Engineer Mosharrf Hossain on Wednesday expressed his hope that Bangladesh would become a developed country by 2041 and the meritorious students would be its architect.
He was speaking as chief guest at a function at Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the city to distribute Bangabandhu Meritorious Stipend among talented students.
Bangabandhu Education Foundation organized the function with its Adviser and Commissioner of Securities and Exchange Commission Helal Nizami in the chair.
Bangabandhu Education Foundation and Awami League leader Aminul Islam, Bangabandhu EducationFoundation Chairman Simanto Talukdar and General Secretary Sajjad Hossain also spoke on the occasion, said an official release.
The minister said no nation can progress without patronizing the meritorious people.
The meritorious students of today will lead the nation in future, he added.
Engineer Mosharraf said the government has created scopes for the flourishing of merits by expanding education.
Later, the minister distributed stipends among 372 students.
