BD to be with India in case of enemy attack: Asad

UNB, Dhaka :
In the wake of escalating tension between India and Pakistan, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan on Tuesday said Bangladesh must be with India if it is attacked by any enemy.
“Pakistan is 1200 kilometres away from Bangladesh as there’s no border
between the two countries.The roar of Pakistan’s won’t not reach us. More importantly, we defeated them in the 1971 Liberation War, and we didn’t join the Saarc summit following Pakistan’s recent interference in the country’s internal matter,” he said.
The Home Minister came up with the remarks at a dialogue with Bangladesh Secretariat Reporters Forum at its media centre. The friendly relationship between Bangladesh and India will continue, he said adding that the both countries have agreed to bring down killings along the bordering areas of the two countries to zero level while the Indian government will provide support to construct roads by using their lands in remote border areas, Asaduzzaman added.
Replying to a question about Tahmid Hasib Khan’s bail, the Home Minister said, “Law enforcement agencies did not get any specific information over Gulshan attack from Tahmid but he will be quizzed, if needed.”
Asaduzzaman also said a decision has been taken to purchase helicopters for the police for developing their efficiency in combating militancy and terrorism. The decision was approved in principal and a separate air wing will be formed for the police, he said.
He said, two Metropolitan Police units will be formed in Gazipur and Rangpur districts. Talking about the attack on Sylhet Government Mohila College student Khadija Akhter, the minister said those who were involved in the incident will be brought to book.
Khadija Akhter Nargis, 23, a student of Sylhet Government Mohila College was stabbed and injured by SUST unit BCL leader Badrul Alam on her way home from college on Monday. She was undergoing treatment at a hospital in the capital.