BD students stranded in China cry for help

Food, water run short

Staff Reporter :
Stranded Bangladeshi students in Wuhan, the Chinese city at ground zero of the deadly coronavirus outbreak, has sought help from Bangladesh Embassy in China as their food, water and other essential are running short due to the continued shutdown in the city.
“Due to the coronavirus outbreak in the city, all the shops and transport systems are closed. There is already a shortage of essentials and we will soon run out of food and water,” according to a group of Bangladeshi student.
 “We are being allowed to go out for only two hours a day to buy essentials but there is a lockdown in the city. In this situation, how can we buy food and water,” they said, adding the authorities have advised us to stay in our dormitories due to the coronavirus outbreak.
They also said that they have pleaded the Bangladesh Embassy for help but yet to get response.
Facing the unprecedented crisis, Bangladeshi students are exchanging message on social media platforms seeking help.
Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen on Thursday said a total of 370 Bangladeshi citizens from 22 institutions, mostly from Wuhan city of China, have registered their names expressing their willingness to return home.
But, 15 Bangladeshi citizens have opted to stay back in China for better health facilities in China and avoid the risk of transmitting the Coronavirus in Bangladesh, said the Foreign Minister while talking to reporters at an event in the city.
He said the Chinese authorities informed Bangladesh that they will bear all the expenses of treatment if any foreigners affected by the virus.
 “We’re ready to take them back (who are willing to return),” he said adding that the government does not want to overplay China’s decision of ongoing 14-day quarantine period.
He also said that Bangladesh Embassy in Beijing is working round the clock to prepare the list of willing citizens and their safe return to Bangladesh. The Embassy in China has been asked to keep constant contact with the stranded students and extent all possible assistance.
“Bangladeshi citizens will be brought to airport from Wuhan city by bus as Bangladesh will send commercial flight upon getting a date from the Chinese authorities,” he said.
Asked when Bangladeshi citizens can return, Dr Momen said they will be brought back when the Chinese government allows.
The Foreign Minister said the Health Ministry will take care of the returnees upon their arrival in Bangladesh.
Meanwhile, the Bangladesh Embassy in Beijing has opened a hotline number + (86)-17801116005 for Bangladeshis.
There are about 400-500 Bangladeshi students in Wuhan, according to the Foreign Ministry.
