BD slips 15 notches to rank 103rd in global e-commerce index

Business Desk :
Bangladesh has ranked 103rd out of 152 countries in the global E-commerce Index 2019, prepared by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).
The country slipped by 15 notches from 88 in the previous year, according to the publication titled ‘UNCTAD Business-to-Consumer (B2C) E-commerce Index’.
Bangladesh scored 39 points in the list, in which The Netherlands topped by scoring 96.4 points, it said. The other top countries were Switzerland (95.5), Singapore (95.1), Finland (94.4), United Kingdom (94.4), Denmark (94.2), Norway (93.4), Ireland (93.3), Germany (92.9), and Australia (91.8).
The bottom five of the index includes Congo, Comoros, Burundi, Chad and Niger. The index, which measures an economy’s preparedness to support online shopping, also “consists of four indicators that are highly related to online shopping and for which there is wide country coverage”.
The list is prepared based on four indicators, each carrying same value, including account ownership at a financial institution or with a mobile-money-service provider, internet penetration rate, Postal Reliability Index, and extent of secure internet servers, reports Financial Express.