BD set to hold exemplary election: HT Imam

UNB, Dhaka :
Sunday’s national polls will set an example in the region for its peaceful atmosphere, HT Imam, co-chairman of Awami League Election Steering Committee, said Saturday.
He also praised the Election Commission at a press briefing at the party’s Media Centre in the city in the afternoon.
“The EC is more capable of organising a fair, credible, and participatory election,” he said.
Imam also termed the prevailing electoral atmosphere peaceful. “It is the ruling party men who were the victims of attacks by BNP and Jamaat-e-Islami,” he added.
Referring to the violence of BNP-Jamaat alliance in 2001, 2008, and 2014,Imam said the polls-related violence was low this year thanks to the efforts of the law enforcers.
He showed the media some photos purportedly depicting aftermaths of attacks by BNP-Jamaat alliance.
Imam, also an advisor to the prime minister, said Sunday’s election would be an important one for the country and urged people to vote for AL, seeking a third consecutive term in office
He also dubbed Jatiya Oikyofront’s ballot stuffing allegation “a joke,” saying: “The EC is an independent body and only the designated people can check ballot boxes.”