BD scientist Ripon honoured in KANS competition in Iran


City Desk :
Dr. Ripon Hore has won the prestigious Diploma Award in the final round of the KANS Scientific competition of the OIC member country by the Mostafa Science and Technology Foundation for inventing new technologies on earthquake resistant embankment.
The Knowledge Application Notation for Society (KANS) competition is the highest competition among young researchers and scientists from OIC countries in the Muslim world. Which is organized by the prestigious Mostafa Science and Technology Foundation. Dr. Ripon works in Dhaka as a Senior Assistant Engineer in the Local Government Engineering Department (LGED).
In the competition, 656 innovations from 25 countries such as Bangladesh, Turkey, Iran, Vietnam, Yemen, Kenya, Russia, Oman, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Malaysia and other countries were submitted.
In the last one-year, world-renowned researchers and scientists have been thoroughly selected and invited to present the top 20 innovations in two stages in Tehran, the capital of Iran.
The wrap faced embankment on soft soil invented by Dr. Ripon Hore was presented at Pardis Technology Park in Tehran, the capital of Iran on 13 May.
In addition, on May 11 at Pardis Technology Hall, Science Fair INOTEX 2022, Ripon Hore from Bangladesh, Pike See Cheah and WoeiJye Lau from Malaysia and Mohammad Ali Khayamian and Mehdi Maleki from Iran presented their innovations. Scientists from different countries, heads of different institutions, students and various professionals were present at the presentation. A number of Iranian national media outlets, including the Iranian Daily, the Iranian News Agency, and the Tasnim News Agency, reported on the incident.
On May 13, in the main auditorium of Pardis Technology Park, honorary diploma awards were given to Ripon Hore from Bangladesh, two from Malaysia and 16 from Iran.
The event was attended by the main organizing committee of the Mostafa Science and Technology Foundation, high-ranking personalities from Iran, representatives of Pakistan, representatives of OIC, representatives of the World Science Foundation, UNESCO and other dignitaries.
