BD receives glowing appraisal for combating terrorism

BSS, Dhaka :
Bangladesh’s steadfast commitment to combating extremism and terrorism has received glowing appraisal at both home and abroad, according to a research organization.
CRI, the research body, said since the current
Awami League government under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina came to power in 2009, the country ceased being a safe haven for national and transnational terrorists, a notoriety the country garnered during the first years of the 2000s.
But the country was freed from terrorism and militancy under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as she adopted “zero tolerance” policy towards any sorts of terrorism and extremism.
The Awami League government enacted Anti-Terrorism Act 2009 for the first time and updated the act in 2011, a specific legislation designed to fight terrorism in line with the UN Action Plan on Counterterrorism Strategy and other resolutions.