BD offers emergency medical aid to India


News Desk :
Bangladesh on Thursday offered emergency medicines and medical supplies to India, which is battling the worsening COVID-19 infections. The world’s second-most populous country has been struggling to address drug, oxygen, and medical support shortages in the country amid the surging cases with high casualties for weeks.
“In view of the rapidly deteriorating coronavirus situation in India, the Government of Bangladesh has offered to dispatch on emergency basis medicines and medical equipment for the people of India who are fighting the pandemic across the country,” said a Bangladesh Foreign Ministry statement.
The support will include 10,000 anti-viral vials, 30,000 PPE kits, and several thousand zinc, calcium, vitamin C and other necessary tablets, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Thursday.
“The government of Bangladesh expresses deep sorrow and condolences at the loss of lives in India due to the spread of the COVID pandemic,” it said.
“Bangladesh stands in solidarity with close neighbour India at this critical moment and is ready to provide and mobilise support in every possible way to save lives.”
Bangladesh will send further aid, if necessary, according to the statement.
India reported a record rise in coronavirus cases and deaths over the past 24 hours on Thursday, Reuters reports.
It added 379,257 new cases for a total caseload of 18.38 million and 3,645 deaths for a total death toll of 204,832.
