BD needs to work for cyber network

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh needs to work on developing safeguards for a secured cyber network as the country has become cyber-dependent due to inter-connectivity, said a leading security expert.
“We’re connected with the international cyber network. We’ve become cyber dependent due to inter-connectivity,” President of Bangladesh Institute of Peace and Security Studies (BIPSS) Maj Gen (retd) Muniruzzaman told UNB on Monday.
He said, there has been no significant work on safeguarding the cyber network in Bangladesh. “As a result, we always remain extremely vulnerable.”
Muniruzzaman said if any situation is created by any individual or organisation the entire system may be brought to a deadlock absolutely.
He mentioned that Bangladesh’s major communications and services, including railway and banking systems have become completely cyber dependent. “So, we have to do a lot more in this area apart from raising awareness.”
Muniruzzaman said, along with his colleague Associate Research Fellow Shafqat Munir will attend a conference on ‘Cyber Security: Risk Recovery and Resilience’ Organised by the American Security Project (ASP) in Washington DC on September 16.  
“These issues will be discussed in the conference,” he said adding that they work on the cyber security issues nationally and internationally in collaboration.
He said, the participants will be mostly Americans but there is a common dependence following much collaboration between the military and private sector.
The conference will bring together major cyber security experts from the United States Military, intelligence community and key policy makers.
It will cover key issues like lessons from hacking, threats and consequences of cyber warfare for the military and beyond the technical i.e. cyber diplomacy.
ASP is a partner think tank of BIPSS and works on Cyber Security, Climate Security and other issues of critical importance. ASP was founded by a number of Senators including then Senators John Kerry and Chuck Hagel.
Cyber security is a key research area for BIPSS and it is also the only think tank in Bangladesh working on the subject.