BD Mission to UN celebrates 50th Victory Day in New York


Bangladesh Permanent Mission to the United Nations in New York celebrated the
country’s 50th Victory Day and Birth Centenary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman in a befitting manner.
 The celebration began with the hoisting of the national flag on the mission premises with the playing of the national anthem on Thursday morning, according to a message receive in Dhaka on Friday.
All employees and staff of the mission, led by Bangladesh Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador Rabab Fatima, took the oath that was administered by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina during the Victory Day’s national celebration at the South Plaza of the Jatiya Sangsad Bhaban here on Thursday afternoon.  
Later, a discussion was held virtually due to the Covid protocol where numbers of non-resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) from different professions, freedom fighters and leaders of US Awami League took part.
Messages from the President, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Affairs Minister and the State Minister for Foreign Affairs were read out on the occasion.
In her welcome speech, Ambassador Fatima paid her profound respect to the memories of Bangabandhu, martyrs of August 15, four national leaders and 30 lakh martyrs of the country’s Liberation War.
She said Bangladesh has achieved a respectful position in UN and other international forums under the leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
 Fatima also sought support of the NRBs to send the convicted killers of Bangabandhu who are now residing in the USA.  
The leaders of USA Awami Legue, freedom fighters, offspring of martyrs’ families and Bangladeshi diaspora vowed to contribute from their respective positions in implementing the visions of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
