BD-Indonesia can gain mutual trade benefits


Business Desk :
Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) President Faruque Hassan on Monday said close bilateral cooperation between Bangladesh and Indonesia can pave the way for deriving mutual trade benefits, especially in the apparel and textile sector. “There are huge prospects of trade between the two South Asian countries. Collaborative engagement is required to identify the scope and ways to take full advantage of the opportunities,” he said.
Faruque made the remarks while addressing a discussion organized virtually by the BGMEA and the Indonesian Textile Association, said a press release. Ambassador of Indonesia to Bangladesh Heru Hartanto Subolo, Chairman of
Indonesian Textile Association (API) Jemmy Kartiwa Sastraatmaja and
Chairwoman Anne P Sutanto, representatives of Indonesian textile companies and API officials also took part in the discussion.
Faruque said Bangladesh is pursuing next level of growth through diversification of products especially in high-end non-cotton apparel products and technical textiles, which has created demand for man-made fibers and fabrics. “Indonesian textile can meet the demand of Bangladesh’s RMG sector,” he said adding that Indonesia can import ready-made garments from Bangladesh.
The BGMEA President also stressed the need for identifying and removing barriers in the way of trade, especially for Bangladesh’s RMG exports to Indonesian market.
