BD honours 1971 Liberation War veterans of Indian Navy


Bangladesh honoured 10 Indian Naval war veterans, who took part in the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh against Pakistani occupational forces.
Bangladesh High Commissioner to India Muhammad Imran honoured the war veterans at a function recently hosted onboard of the visiting Bangladesh Naval Ship (BNS) Somudra Avijan at Visakhapatnam, a port city of Andhra Pradesh.
The function was organised marking the Birth Centenary celebrations of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
Rear Admiral Tarun Sobti, Flag Officer Commanding Eastern Fleet was the chief guest of the event while Rear Admiral Jyotin Raina, CSO (ops) and other senior officers of the Eastern Naval Command were present on the occasion.
The Bangladesh envoy expressed deep gratitude to the then Indian government, its armed forces and people for their whole-hearted support during Liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971.
