‘BD going ahead following Bangabandhu’s foreign policy’


Foreign policy of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is very much relevant still now and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is maintaining diplomatic relations with the world following the policy.
“Friendship to all, malice to none is the foreign policy of Bangladesh after independence in 1971… It is still the guiding force in maintaining the diplomatic relations with the world,” said Foreign Minister AK Adbul Momen.
“It’s simple but so important. Still we feel the significance of this policy,” said Momen who worked at the planning ministry, local government ministry and several other ministries under Bangabandhu’s government. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is taking ahead the country following the foreign policy of Bangabandhu and because of maintaining such a foreign policy, Bangladesh has no enmity with any other country, he said. “I follow this policy and I feel what an excellent policy it is!” said the foreign minister.
He said Bangabandhu’s foreign policy had several principles-firstly:
friendship to all, malice to none and secondly: Bangladesh is friend of all persecuted people in the world.
Recalling the famous remarks of Bangabandhu, “The world is divided into two camps- the oppressed and the oppressors. I am with the oppressed,” Momen said, adding that Bangabandhu had always worked for the oppressed people. The foreign minister said Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina followed Bangabandhu’s footsteps by giving shelter to persecuted Rohingya people of Myanmar in Bangladesh.
“Because of the Bangabandhu’s such foreign policy, we get honor from many countries. A few countries can dislike us due to political reasons but like our moral and ethical standard,” he added.
Echoing the same views, international affairs analyst Mohammed Jamir said Bangladesh always stands by the oppressed people of the world. Bangladesh sympathetic mindset has been exposed through giving shelter to thousands of Rohingya people, he added.
