BD, Germany agree to fight terrorism together

UNB, Dhaka :
Bangladesh and Germany have discussed the scourge of terrorism and violent extremism and vowed to work together to address this global challenge.
Both sides also discussed orderly migration and mobility of people within the context of the upcoming Summit on Global Forum for Migration and Development (GFMD), to be held in Dhaka in December.
Germany will next take over the Chairmanship of the Forum from Bangladesh.
The issues came up for discussion during the bilateral talks between Foreign Minister AH Mahmood Ali and his German counterpart Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier in Berlin on Friday, the Foreign Ministry said here on Saturday. During the meeting, the Foreign Ministers discussed all aspects of bilateral relations and agreed to work closely to strengthen and expand areas of mutual cooperation between the two countries.
Terming the relationship between Bangladesh and Germany very warm and deep, Foreign Minister Ali reiterated Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s invitation to German Chancellor Merkel to visit Bangladesh to take the relations to a new height.
Referring to a recent World Bank report, Foreign Minister Ali apprised his German counterpart about the sustained economic progress of Bangladesh and urged the German side to seize the opportunity to broaden their engagements in Bangladesh, particularly in terms of trade and investment.
Both ministers also exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual interest, including the ongoing refugee and migration crisis in Europe.
Minister Ali was warmly received in Berlin as he was extended full state protocol, including ceremonial motorcades escorting him to all the official programs.
Upon arrival at the German Foreign Ministry, Dr Steinmeier received Foreign Minister Ali and showed him some documents from their archives recalling establishment of diplomatic relations between Bangladesh and Germany. Minister Ali visited the German Bundestag (Parliament) and held a meeting with Niels Annen, Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag and Chairman of the SPD’s Commission on International Politics. The SPD is a major partner of the ruling Grand Coalition.