BD generosity towards Rohingyas deserves applauds: EU

UNB, Cox’s Bazar :
Visiting European parliamentary delegation on Monday laid emphasis on giving back the Rohingyas their basic rights and citizenship and safe return to Myanmar from Bangladesh.
Delegation leader and char of the delegation for Relations with the countries of South Asia (DSAS) Jean Lambert said Rohingyas certainly have the rights to live with their basic rights and citizenship right in place.
She made the remarks while talking to press at the UNHCR-run relief distribution center in Ukhia upazila after visiting Rohingya camp and seeing their plight on the ground.
Lambert said, the European Parliament expects safe and dignified return of Rohingyas to their homes in Myanmar.
She highly appreciated Bangladesh government and people of Bangladesh for showing such generosity saying it deserves high appreciation.
State Minister for Foreign Affairs M Shahriar Alam said the repatriation is getting delayed because it is a complex issue.
He said the government is moving ahead with repatriation process focusing on safe homes and safe environment for Rohingyas so that Rohingyas do not need to come back again after repatriation.
Four teams of Members of European Parliament (MEPs) comprising 11 MEPs arrived here on Saturday and Sunday.
The EU teams visited different parts of Kutupalang
 camp and witnessed relief opeartions of international partners including UNHCR and IOM. They also witnessed health service operations in the Rohingya camp.
The UNHCR officials also had discussion with the visiting delegation members.
The delegation members also talked to Rohingyas who shared their tales of sufferings with the delegation members.
The delegation members are expected to visit Myanmar on Thursday.
Members of the European Parliament’s Subcommittee on Human Rights (DROI) are Pier Antonio Panzeri (Chair), Joachim Zeller, Soraya Post and Barbara Lochbiler.