BD for global solidarity to address challenges of migrant workers


The Permanent Representative (PR) of Bangladesh to the United Nations (UN) Rabab Fatima called for global solidarity and cooperation to address the challenges of the migrants who are disproportionately affected by the Covid-19 pandemic .
Underscoring that the pandemic has exposed as well as exacerbated the vulnerabilities of the migrants in many places as they are denied of their rights, access to urgent health care services and even jobs, she said, “The migrants are front line contributors even during the pandemic in their host countries and they must be included in the response and recovery packages and plans.”
She was addressing a virtual high-level meeting of the Group of Friends of Migration entitled “Migration in the time of Covid-19: Migrant Health and Remittances”, according to a press release of Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations, New York, received here recently. Bangladesh is the co-convener of the Group of Friends of Migration along with Ireland, Mexico and Benin, the release added.
The Minister of International Development and Diaspora of Ireland, Ciaran Cannon T D participated in the meeting which was also attended by a considerable number of delegations at the ambassadorial level both from the migrants- hosting as well as migrants-sending countries, Dr Mahmoud Mohaieldin, UN Special Envoy for SDG Financing, high level representatives from the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Health Organization (WHO) and other UN agencies.
Expressing her concern that migrants are even being forced to return, the PR mentioned that for many developing countries managing the returnees is a huge concern and the national efforts must be supported by the UN and other international development partners and stakeholders.
