BD, Ethiopia seek ‘higher-level’ relations

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Bangladesh and Ethiopia have agreed to take the relations to “a higher level”.
State minister for foreign affairs of this African country Berhane Gebre-Christos told his counterpart Md Shahriar Alam that his country put “great emphasis” to its relations with Bangladesh.
They met on the sidelines of the Women in Parliaments (WIP) Global Forum summit in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa, the foreign ministry said on Thursday.
Though there is no significant movement in the “warm” relations at present, Addis Ababa helps Bangladesh to step up its engagement with African countries, as it hosts the African Union headquarters.
Bangladesh has already initiated a process to open its mission in Addis Ababa.
Alam told his counterpart that the opening of an embassy would give “greater importance to increase its engagement with Africa”.
Ethiopia depends heavily on agriculture and is known as one of Africa’s fastest growing non-oil economies.
The country is seen as a key US ally.
The two junior ministers expressed “satisfaction” at the existing “warm” relationship and said this tie “must be complemented by more trade and investment between the countries”.
They felt enormous potentials remained untapped.
Both sides are working on reaching an agreement to hold regular foreign office consultations where a whole range of bilateral issues will be discussed.
They also agreed on the need of high-level visits between the two countries.
State minister Alam said both countries could work together to “maximise” benefits in different sectors such as hydropower, electricity, textiles, air connectivity, leather, and meat processing.
He suggested the signing of a ‘Trade and Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement’ to enhance bilateral trade and investment.
Ethiopian State Minister for Trade had in an earlier meeting showed interest in sending a high-level trade delegation in Dhaka soon to explore business potentials.