BD envoy in Pakistan asked to return home


UNB, Dhaka :Bangladesh High Commissioner to Pakistan Suhrab Hossain has been asked to return home though his contractual appointment will expire in the middle of the next year, said a diplomatic source. It could not be known immediately why he has been asked to return home before the expiry of his tenure. However, the source indicated that his illness might be a reason. Hossain was appointed Bangladesh High Commissioner to Pakistan in July 2010 on contract after his retirement and got extension for a number of times. Another Bangladeshi diplomat working in a South Asian country might get the appointment there in place of Hossain soon. The return of the envoy is taking place at a time when Bangladesh Pakistan relations going through a tough time following Pakistan’s denial on atrocities committed during the War of Liberation in 1971, distortion of history by Pakistan and withdrawal of a female Pakistan diplomat from Dhaka for her alleged involvement in financing militancy here.
