BD driver ‘blinded’ in London acid attack; two teens held


A Bangladeshi delivery driver is fighting for his life and is likely to lose his sight in both eyes after coming under acid attack in London.
Police have arrested two teens in connection with the attack on Muhammed Nawshad Kamal, 32, who moved to the UK from Bangladesh eight years ago.
“The victim was treated at the scene with water and taken to an east London hospital, where he remains in a critical condition after inhaling the substance. He may lose the sight in both eyes,” the Guardian reported on Sunday.
BBC reported that Kamal received injuries to his throat, face, oesophagus and eyes and had been in an induced coma.
The Daily Mail reported two thugs tried to steal his moped on Thursday night just after he dropped off a delivery in Walthamstow, north London. “Their attack was only halted when a woman in a car nearby called for help. Within minutes, firemen and police arrived and poured water over Mr Kamal, who was struggling to breathe after inhaling the liquid,” the newspaper said.
A friend of the victim Imran Rumel told the Daily Mail: “I have been to see him in hospital and he is in a terrible state. I don’t know if he will ever see again.”
Scotland Yard believes that the same attackers struck again at 6.30pm in Tottenham in another attempted robbery about a mile and a half away, according to the Evening Standard.
A second delivery driver, also 32, suffered non-life-threatening injuries when he was sprayed in the face by two males who were trying to rob his scooter, police said.
Investigators say they are yet to fully establish links between the two incidents.
The Guardian reports that police investigating the attacks arrested a 14-year-old boy on Friday and a 16-year-old on Sunday on suspicion of grievous bodily harm. Police have released the first suspect under investigation while the second remains in custody.
