BD contributes $1.5m to SAARC Covid-19 emergency fund

Diplomatic Correspondent :
Bangladesh has committed to contribute $1.5 million to the SAARC (South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation) Emergency Fund to fight coronavirus (COVID-19) in the region.
Foreign Minister AK Abdul Momen said that they had already communicated with the SAARC Secretariat as well.
Afghanistan and Nepal pledged $1 million each, Maldives $200,000 and Bhutan $100,000. On March 15, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the emergency fund could be based on voluntary contributions from all of them and India is starting with $10 million.
The total contribution, from six SAARC countries, now stands at $13.8 million. Pakistan and Sri Lanka are yet to say anything on contributing to the voluntary fund.
The fund can be used by any of the eight SAARC countries to meet the emergency needs.
Indian Prime Minister Modi said India was ready to share expertise and logistics for the greater cause of the region. It has already activated one million dollars of the fund to dispatch medical supplies to Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan and Bangladesh.
Foreign Secretaries of the SAARC countries will finalize concept and operational rules.