BD Consulate in Los Angeles observes Nat’l Mourning Day


The National Mourning Day and 45th martyrdom anniversary of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was obsereved with dignity and solemnity at the Bangladesh Consulate in Los Angeles.
Due to the deteriorating Corona situation, the National Mourning Day was observed through various programmes in compliance with the health protection rules of the local government,at the Bangabandhu Cultural Center of the Consulate, said a press release. Consul General Tareq Mohammad hoisted the national flag at half-mast.
Wreath was laid at the mural of Bangabandhu at the Bangabandhu Cultural Center in Chancery.
A minute of silence was observed in honor of the father of the nation and the other martyred members of the family.
A documentary titled ‘Bangabandhu-Bojre Tomar Baje Banshi’ based on the life story of the father of the nation was screened, said the release.
The Consul General of Bangladesh in Los Angeles paid deep homage to the memory of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and recalled his visionary and courageous leadership and unforgettable contribution in the war of independence of Bangladesh.
He also hoped that the remaining convicts would be brought back to the country soon and the trial would be completed, added the release.
He called upon respective persons present in the programme to work hard to materialize the dream ‘Sonar Bangla’ of Bangabandhu, by implementing the development action plan adopted by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.
