BD-China relation being strengthened: Minister


Public Administration Minister and Awami League General Secretary Syed Ashraful Islam on Saturday said Bangladesh-China relation is being strengthened for the development of economy and infrastructural advancement.
“Bangladesh has very close relations with India . . .we are strengthening ties with China as well,” he told newsmen after seeing off visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport.
The minister said: “As we are working with China, we are doing so with India too. We have to maintain relations with all”.
About his experience in working with China, Syed Ashraf said they have been working with China very closely for five to six years last.
“China is very efficient in implementing anything,” he added.
Terming Chinese president’s visit to Bangladesh as successful one, the minister said connectivity is a very important fact and “China is with us. This is very important”.
