BD can exploit advantages of ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative

Economic Reporter :
Bangladesh can fully exploit the advantages of ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative due to its geographic location between two Asian giants-China and India-as experts see the multifaceted connectivity as a counterbalance to growing global protectionism.
However, reaping the benefit of this transcontinental-connectivity initiative presupposes better infrastructure and greater connectivity with the neighbouring countries and regions, they said at a conference on ‘Bangladesh-China Relations: One Belt and One Road Initiative’.
Bangladesh Enterprise Institute (BEI) organised the conference on Tuesday at a city hotel. Eminent economist Prof Rehman Sobhan said, In today’s world, where anti-globalisation, protectionism and isolationism are on the rise in some parts of the world, ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative can serve as a new force of openness and cooperation.
He said, This also demonstrates the first effort to export the growing influence of the Asian community and forthcoming Asian century into a global context.
The ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative, also known as Belt Road initiative, which is envisioned by Chinese President Xi Jinping, focuses on connectivity and cooperation among countries between China and the rest of Eurasia.
The scheme consists of two main components: the land-based Silk Road Economic Belt and oceangoing ‘Maritime Silk Road’. Prof Sobhan remarked, Bangladesh is uniquely placed in the context of this OBOR initiative, as we are in the middle of two major economic powers, namely India and China, who are going to be the prime movers of the Asian century.
The eminent economist also emphasised greater connectivity and more open trade relationship among South Asian countries for leveraging this OBOR initiative. He envisioned, Like the old Grand Trunk Road, we can establish land connectivity from Bangladesh all the way up to Kabul.
However, for materialising such vision, South Asian countries need to get their acts together as this region cannot get itself bypassed by the wider integration taking place within the Asian community.
Speaking on the occasion, Prime Minister’s International Affairs Adviser Dr. Gowher Rizvi said both India and China are vital to the development of Bangladesh. He said, Our relationships with these two economic powers are not a zero-sum game, but a positive-sum game.
Chinese Ambassador in Bangladesh MA Mingqiang said that the ‘One Belt, One Road’ initiative is inclusive rather than exclusive and it is based on equality.