BD becomes attractive destination of FDI: Japanese envoy

BSS, Dhaka :
Outgoing ambassador of Japan in Dhaka Masato Watanabe on Wednesday said Bangladesh has turned into an attractive destination of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
“The present government has initiated economic development under the leadership of the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina. For this, the country has become an attractive destination of FDI,” he said while paying a farewell call on Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu at the industries ministry in the city, said a press release.
During the meeting, they discussed different bilateral issues, including Japanese investment, technology transfer and relocation of Japanese factories to Bangladesh.
Informing the establishment of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) for Japanese entrepreneurs, Amu said the Japanese entrepreneurs can invest in the economic zone.
He suggested the Japanese envoy to encourage the Japanese entrepreneurs to come forward for investing in the economic zone, saying Bangladesh always gives priority to the Japanese investment.
The minister said the government has taken all sorts of measures to ensure the highest security for the Japanese nationals in Bangladesh.
He urged the Japanese envoy for relocating the closed Sony factories to Bangladesh from Malaysia as the trained workers of the country are capable to run the factory.
In reply, Masato Watanabe assured the minister of encouraging the Japanese entrepreneurs to invest in motor vehicle production industry in the country and import more Bangladeshi products.
Among others, Industries Secretary Muhammad Abdullah and Bangladesh Chemical Industries Corporation (BCIC) Chairman Shah Md Aminul Haq were present at the meeting.