BD a potential place for flower industry: DCCI

Economic Reporter :
Speakers at a seminar on Wednesday underscored the need for tapping the huge potentials of flower industry in the country to boost the export earnings through seizing the huge overseas market.
They said although Bangladesh is a potential and favourable place for flower industry, but this industry is yet to get momentum due to some reasons.
The Dhaka Chamber of Commerce & Industry (DCCI) in association with the USAID’s Agriculture Value Chains (AVC) Project organized the seminar on investment opportunities in the flower industry at the DCCI.
The speakers also stressed the need for addressing some of the challenges which the industry insiders are facing like variety of flowers, access to finance, green house infrastructure with adequate irrigation system, export market, research and development, training, skill development, and transportation.
President of China Horticulture Business Services, LLC Dr. Heidi Wernett made a presentation. She said that the commercial flower sector is booming worldwide.
She informed that currently flowers worth $10-20 million are being grown by some 2,00,000 farmers in Bangladesh on some 6,300 hectares of land.
Heidi Wernett said the flower industry in USA is worth $26 billion while in China it is worth $23 billion.
“But, Asia is the fastest growing region for the flower industry. In this sector, the profitability is 3 to 5 times higher than the vegetables,” she opined. DCCI Vice President Riyadh Hossain said global consumption of cut flowers is estimated at a staggering $40 to $50 billion per year.
“There are around some 145 countries involved in the cultivation of this ornamental crop. It is indeed a pleasure to know that the country’s flower export target was fixed at $13 million in the current fiscal year (FY18) and already more than $8 million has been earned from flower export during July to December period,” he said.
According to Bangladesh Flower Society, around 10,000 hectares of land are being cultivated in this regard.
Chief of Party, USAID’s AVC project Paul Bundick, Deputy Chief of Party USAID’s AVC project Bani Amin, Contracting Officer’s Representative, USAID Bangladesh official Aniruddha Hom Roy, DCCI Director Kh. Rashedul Ahsan, former DCCI Vice President M. Abu Hurairah were present, among others, at the seminar.