BD 6th most extreme weather-affected country


Bangladesh is the sixth most affected country by extreme weather events between 1996 and 2015, according to the Global Climate Risk Index 2017.
Bonn-based non-government organisation Germanwatch published the report based on one of the most reliable data sets available on the impacts of extreme weather events and associated socio-economic data.
According to the report, more than 5,28,000 people died as a direct result of nearly 11,000 extreme weather events and losses between 1996 and 2015 amounted to around USD 3.08 trillion (in Purchasing Power Parities).
Bangladesh witnessed some 185 extreme weather events from 1996 to 2015 when 0.48 people died in per 1,00,000 inhabitants and lost $ 2,283.38 in Purchasing Power Parities.
Honduras, Myanmar and Haiti have been identified as the most affected countries in the 20-year period.
Most of the affected countries in the Bottom 10 of the long-term index have a high ranking due to exceptional catastrophes, the report said.
The other countries of the list are-Honduras (1), Myanmar (2), Haiti (3), Nicaragua (4), Philippines (5), Pakistan (7), Vietnam (8), Guatemala (9) and Thailand (10).
