BCL men beat up journalist at DU

UNB, Dhaka :
Dhaka University Zia Hall unit Chhatra League activists have reportedly assaulted and beaten a journalist up on Saturday night in a bid to evict him from the hall dormitory.
The injured Journalist, Irfan H Sayem, DU correspondent of the daily Alokito Bangladesh came under the attack as he refused to leave his seat in the hall, said Irfan.
He said: “The hall unit BCL President Abu Salman Prodhan Showan sent an outsider to my room (317) and asked me to share my seat with him. But, I protested. Later, the hall unit Organising Secretary Abdul Haque Roni and Joint-Secretary Mohammad Yusuf called me to meet them at the guest room of the hall. When I went there they started badmouthing.
At one stage of arguments, two BCL members entered the scene and started beating me, leaving me injured,” he added.
Later, the injured journalist has been taken to DU medical centre for treatment. However, Showan denied the allegation saying he was not in the hall dormitory the last day.
While contacted, the hall Provost ABM Faruk told the Dhaka Tribune that a two-member probe committee has been formed to investigate the matter. He assured to take action against the accused if found guilty.
Dhaka University Journalist Association (DUJA) expressed grave concern over the situation. The DUJA president and secretary general demanded punishment of the “culprits.”