BCL leader rapes six women, releases videos

A leader of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) has released videos containing scenes of raping six women.
The name of the alleged perpetrator is Arif Hossain Hawlader, 22, general secretary of BCL Narayanpur union unit, in Bhedarganj upazila of Shariatpur. BCL is the student wing of ruling Bangladesh Awami League.
Arif, a bachelor student at a local college, allegedly used to shoot videos of housewives’ bathing secretly, and used those to blackmail them.
This is how he raped at least six women, according to allegations, reports Prothom Alo Online.
He had shot videos of those rapes secretly and had disseminated those among the local people since 15 October.
One of the victim housewives left the village while the in-laws of another housewife sent her to the parent’s home. A college student victim stopped going to the college.
Fear and shame barred the victims from filing any lawsuit against Arif, the victims’ relatives said.
Arif was made general secretary of Narayanpur union unit Chhatra League in June 2015.
Sister of one of the victim housewives said to Prothom Alo, “Arif raped her by trapping and took a huge amount of money threatening her that the videos would be released on the internet.”
A college student said, “Arif has destroyed my dreams. How will I show my face to the people? I have no other choice but to die.”
Bhedarganj upazila unit Chhatra League president Saiful Islam Sohag acknowledged the matter and said, “We didn’t know Arif is such a pervert and dangerous person. He committed an unpardonable crime.”
“We went to the village immediately after learning the matter and assured the victims and their families of all kinds of help to them. We also have expelled Arif Hossain for breaking the party’s code of conduct,” he added.
Arif has in the meantime fled the village.
Family members of Arif could not say his whereabouts and also declined to make comments on this matter.