BCL beat up Shibir men at RU


RU Correspondent :
A group of Bangladesh Chhatra League (BCL) leaders and activists of Rajshahi University unit held 4 Shibir activists following the raid in Shaheed Habibur Rahman Hall on Monday midnight.
BCL leaders beat up the Shibir men severally with iron rods and sticks before handing over them to police, witnesses said.
The arrestees were identified as Abdullah, masters’ year student of zoology department, Rakibul Hasan and Abu Sayed, fourth year student of management studies and Saddam Hossain, second year student of mathematics department.
Off the arrestees, Rakibul Hasan was undergoing treatment at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital under police custody”, said Humayun Ahmed, Officer-In-Charge of Motihar police.
“The three others were produced before the court showing arrest in subversive case”, he also said.
Witnesses said, BCL activists suddenly raided the hall and held Abdullah and Rakib from room no. 126 and 127 respectively around 11:30am suspecting them as Shibir activists. They were brought at hall guest room immediately where BCL RU unit vice president Mehedi Hasan Rasel, Tonmoy Ananda Ovi along with some 4/5 aides interrogated them.
At one stage, they severally beat up them with iron rods and sticks, leaving critically injured.
Then police rescued Abdullah and Rakib and took the duo at Motihar police station.
Following the incident, panic spread out among the admission seekers who were staying in the hall.
Wishing anonymity, an admission aspirant said he was not able to sleep in the whole night following the incident.
One hour later, BCL leaders and activists held Abu Sayed and Saddam Hossain from 142 and 438 no. room respectively on suspicion of their involvement with Shibir politics.
The duo was handed over to police after beating up.
Contacted, BCL RU unit vice president Mehedi Hasan Rasel said, they were involved with Shibir politics. We handed over them to police after slightly beating up.
Ekram Ullah, Habibur Rahman hall provost said, police would take legal steps against the arrestees.
He urged the admission seekers not to afraid as the situation was under control.
