BCB president urges cricketing nations to be more proactive with security

BSS, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) president Nazmul Hasan urged the cricketing nations to be more proactive with the security following a horrendous incident in Christchurch where Bangladesh national cricket team survived a close shave.
A gunman opened a fire inside a mosque in Christchurch, an incident which led to injures and death to 49 people. Bangladeshi players were set to perform Jummah prayers in Masjid Al Noor in Christchurch but survived from the gun attack after being warned not to go inside.
The players made it safety but the shocking incident left them upset. In the wake of the situation, the third and final Test, which was scheduled to be held on Saturday, was called off following a mutual consent by the two boards
“In the wake of the situation in New Zealand, there is no possibility that the Tiger’s cricket tour should go on there. We, the two boards discussed the matter and mutually agreed to call off the third Test.”
“But the security is top priority for us now. When we tour in the country like Australia, New Zealand they don’t provide the same security for our team what we are used to do for them.
“We ensured state level security for the overseas teams. But I always say this sort of terrorist attack can happen in any cricketing country. This is the high time that every country should strengthen their security like us.”
“All members of the team are safely at the team hotel. When I heard the news, I talked to Khaled Masud Pilot, then Tamim Iqbal, Mahmdudullah Riyad and Mushfiqur Rahim one by one. They are all at the hotel and are safe. We are trying to arrange a first available flight for them to return to home.”
Bangladesh tasted a bitter experience when teams like Australia, England called off tour here quite several times, citing security reasons.
The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) convinced the countries, ensuring state security, the kind of security only reserved for the country’s Prime Minister and President.
The Bangladesh Government also involved in this process to ensure that the overseas team doesn’t feel insecure here. “We also don’t demand too much in regards to security for our overseas tours; no one actually does when they play in countries like New Zealand.’ “I don’t think they had any idea that something like this could happen there. For example preparation and everything, the amount of time it needed for the police to get there is not normal.”
“I think maybe they were caught unaware by the scenario and will be more alert from now on. What the other countries will do in this scenario is uncertain. What is certain after this incident is that we will ensure our minimum required security ourselves. We will only tour those countries which can provide that security or else we will not be able to visit.”