BCB plans to stage Bangabandhu DPL at BKSP & Cox’s Bazar

Sports Reporter :
The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has taken plan to stage Bangabandhu Dhaka Premier League (DPL) at BKSP & at Cox’s Bazar. DPL has been postponed after the first round match in March due to coronavirus outbreak. Officials of Cricket Committee of Dhaka Metropolis and Members of Cricketers’ Welfare Association of Bangladesh (CWAB) took part in an online meeting to decide the fate of DPL. They discussed about the future of DPL. The officials of Cricket Committee of Dhaka Metropolis (CCDM) and its mother organization BCB have planned to stage the rest of the matches of DPL at BKSP & at Cox’s Bazar. But the decision has been not yet finalized.
Meanwhile, the first Test match resumed between England and West Indies on Wednesday last and they are facing each other at the Rose Bowl in Southampton in England.
Chairman of CCDM and Director of BCB Kazi Inam Ahmed, who was present at the online meeting said, ” We have not yet finalized the fixture of DPL and also the venues, where the DPL matches will be held. We have suggested the participating clubs to contact with the players always. As a result we can start the DPL within two-week notice.”
He said, ” If the coronavirus-condition becomes under control we seek that the participating clubs will be conscious and will be prepared to take part in DPL within 14-day notice. I proposed the BKSP and Cox’s Bazar as the alternate venues.”