BCB observes Sheikh Kamal’s birth anniv through various programmes

BSS, Dhaka :
The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) observed the 71st birth anniversary of Sheikh Kamal through distributing food to the poor and vulnerable people at the Academy premises of the board’s headquarter in Mirpur on Wednesday.
Kamal, the eldest son of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is widely considered as the architect of modern sports of Bangladesh. He introduced modern technology and equipment to the country’s sport to take it another level.
“Sheikh Kamal helped Bangladesh sports create its own identity, introducing modern equipment and inspiring the youth of the country. He single-handedly takes Bangladesh spots in another level through his creativity and enthusiasm,” BCB president Nazmul Hassan Papon said as he attended a virtual dua-mahfil, organised by the richest federation of the country.
Apart from virtual dua-mahfil and the holy Quran recitation, BCB distributed food to the poor and vulnerable people to mark the 71st birthday of Kamal, who is also expert in various kind of sports apart from cricket. Social distancing and health measures are maintained strictly during the programme.
Kamal is just not only a sportsman or sports organiser, he also played a vital role during the liberation war in 1971. He was an organiser of the Mukti Bahini guerrilla war. Kamal received wartime commission in Bangladesh Army and worked as the ADC of General Osmani the Commander-in-Chief of the Mukti Bahini during that time.
He founded the country’s prominent sporting club Abahani in 1972. His shrewd leadership made Abahani the top and most successful club of the country in all kind of sports. The club still is in the leading position.
Abahani Club also celebrated his birth anniversary through a day-long programme.
He embraced martyrdom at the age of just 26 on August 15 in 1975.