BCB denies Smith’s BPL participation


The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has decided not to allow former Australian captain Steve Smith to participate in Bangladesh Premier League (BPL) schedule to be played from January 5.
Comilla Victorians recruited Smith earlier but the other franchises of BPL raised question saying it was a violation of the rule of the contest.
Victorians had picked him outside the player’s draft which contradicts with the BPL law. As per the law, no team can include a player who is not in the list of BPL player’s draft.
BPL Governing Council held a meeting with all franchises of the tournament to consider the inclusion of Smith, but all denied it. After that fruitless meeting, Governing Council referred the issue to BCB, and eventually they said no to Smiths participation.
The former Australian captain has been serving a ban of 12 months from international cricket along with his fellow teammate David Warner who is a part of the BPL. Warner will play for Sylhet Sixers as its captain.
However, Comilla Victorians are thinking to write a letter to the BCB seeking reconsideration of Smith’s participation, citing that they are unable to replace a player like Smith in a short time.
