BCB announces one-time monetary support for women cricketers


Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) has announced a one-time monetary allowance of BDT 20,000.00 (Twenty Thousand Taka) per person to assist women cricketers who had appeared in the 2018-19 Women’s NCL and were part of the BCB’s selection camps in 2019-20.
 All cricketing activities of the BCB including women’s tournaments and training camps have been postponed indefinitely due to outbreak of deadly Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the country and all over the world.
BCB President Nazmul Hassan, MP said on Monday: “Just like their male counterparts, the majority of women cricketers also look towards domestic events for earning. Besides, we had training camps scheduled for women players which have been hampered by the prevailing COVID-19 situation. The cricketers have been forced to pass a period of non-activity and they need our support.”
Earlier on last Saturday, BCB announced one-time financial aid for the men’s players who are not included in Bangladesh’s central contract or first-class contract of the board.
BCB president Nazmul Hassan decided to extend the board’s helping hand for the men’s cricketers who are not contracted and to give them 30,000 BDT each.
“With the tournament and league looking at an indefinite period of shut down, cricketers who are not part of the BCB’s contracts are likely to face financial hardship as they may have only received partial payment from their respective Premier League Clubs. This assistance is for that section of the players,” Nazmul said in the press release.
