BBS calls for stopping petrol bomb attack


Leaders of Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS) on Saturday called upon people at all levels to raise their voices against petrol bomb attack on innocent people d blockades and hartals.
Branding petrol bomb attack on innocent people as barbaric and brutal, they said all kinds of violence including petrol bomb attack must be stopped to restore normalcy in the country to ensure safe movement of people.
In a joint statement, President of BBS Prof. Dr Taslima Monsoor and Secretary General Prof Shamima Parvin Laskar said BBS condemns patrol bomb attacks on innocent people in the name of waging movement. Any sorts of violence including petrol bomb attack cannot be part of politics, they added.
Nearly 15 lakh SSC examinees are suffering a lot as mindless hartals and blockades have created huge mental pressures on their young minds, the BBS leaders called for withdrawal of blockade and hartal during SSC examinations for ensuring their smooth academic life.
In a presentation recently, Dr Tanveer Ahmed of Department of Plastic Surgery and Burn Unit of Dhaka Medical College Hospital said a total of 127 burn victims were admitted to Dhaka Medical College Hospital during the countrywide blockade and hartal called by BNP-led alliance this year.
Survivors, who severely sustained burn injuries, normally face physical and psychological trauma, he said adding, “This is why, we are struggling to deal with burn patients to save their lives as well as to keep mentally normal.”
