BBIN motor vehicle deal potentials for tourism

UNB, Dhaka :
The country’s tourism industry is expected to see a huge boost once the four-nation deal-Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Nepal (BBIN) Motor Vehicle Agreement (MVA) — is fully implemented, according to industry insiders.
The BBIN initiative, they think, will open up a new door for Bangladesh’s friends from three other South Asian countries with frequent visits offering
cheaper travel costs. According to them, the government should ease the process so that the travellers can enter and exit easily from Bangladesh under the deal and setting minimum amount for related charges, or else complexities and higher charges might discourage foreign nationals to visit Bangladesh.
The BBIN Motor Vehicles Agreement, signed on June 15, 2015 in Thimpu, Bhutan, allows vehicles to enter each other’s territory and does away with transshipment of goods from one country’s truck to another at the border, a time consuming and costly process. The industry stakeholders also suggested carrying out awareness campaign outside Bangladesh about the improvement that the country witnessed in various areas as many foreign tourists, still cancel their tours to Bangladesh who were supposed to come from January to March this year.
The government, however, says it will offer special packages for the people of three countries-Bhutan, India and Nepal-to attract them to Bangladesh.
While talking to UNB, Taufiq Rahman, director of Tour Operators Association of Bangladesh (TOAB), said the agreement will cast a positive impact on the country’s tourism industry growth.
“The government should fix the related charges at an affordable level keeping tourism’s desired growth in mind in Bangladesh. And related process must be eased to attract tourists from the three countries,” he said adding that if this can be done, he thinks, the country’s tourism industry will be benefited highly.
Taufiq, also the General Secretary of Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), said the government should carry out an awareness campaign outside the country to build confidence about Bangladesh.
“Though a congenial atmosphere is prevailing here, there is still some negative impression, especially after the killing of two foreign nationals,” he said.
TOAB Director M Masud Hossain said there is a huge opportunity to boost the country’s tourism cashing on the BBIN-MVA.
“But, it largely depends on government planning how it’ll attract tourists from the three countries. The government should go for extensive publicity programmes to attract tourists showcasing its beautiful tourist spots across the country,” he said.