BBF men’s team lose in Invitational Basketball

BSS, Dhaka :
Bangladesh Basketball Federation BBF men’s basketball team lost to Punjab basketball team on Saturday by 82-93 points in the All India Invitational Basketball tournament now being held in Kolkata, India.
Mithun Biswas was the highest scorer with 18 points while Shoyeb and Mithun Sarkar supported him 16 and 14 points respectively for the visitors Bangladesh.
Earlier, the tournament, which began on Saturday, has been organized marking hundred years’ celebration of Kolkata’s traditional club Rakhi Sangha.
To mark the hundred year’s celebration of the club, the West Bengal Basketball Association invited Bangladesh BBF men’s and women’s basketball team to participate in the tournament.
Firhad Hakim, Minister for Urban Development and the Minister for Municipal Affairs in the Government of West Bengal, formally inaugurated the tournament as the chief guest while Bangladesh Basketball Federation general secretary and South Asian Basketball Association secretary General AK Sarkar was present as the special guest